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SWOT Analysis Meeting

SWOT Analysis Meeting

Adarsha Multiple Campus, Gajuri held SWOT Analysis meeting on 11 th June, 2019, Tuesday
between the stakeholders. The students studying in BBS, B. Ed., M. Ed, Teacher staffs,
management committee members and local guardians took participation in the meeting and came
in to the conclusion of what they wanted their campus to be like in coming five years. The
participants were divided into 9 groups of ten members and each group were facilitated by the
Campus chief Mr. Rudra Prasad Danai, M. Ed. Coordinator Mr. Sharad Chandra Simkhada, Ed.
PM HOD Mr. Mahendra Karki, Asst. Campus chief Mr. Ram Chandra Aryal, Lecturer Mr.
Suresaah Basnet and Prakash Acharya.